If an elder is in immediate danger, call 911.
Prevent Elder Abuse
Protect seniors by bringing suspected abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation to the attention of appropriate authorities:
For elders living in a long-term care facility, contact the local Long Term Care Ombudsman:
Oregon: (503) 378-6533
Washington: (800) 562-6028If you suspect abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation contact:
Oregon Seniors and People with Disabilities Office: (541) 298-1251
Washington Adult Protective Services: (877) 734-6277
To learn more, visit the Community Action Program of East Central Oregon.
Trips to medical appointments: In Hood River, Wasco or Sherman County: 1-877-875-4657
Hood River CAT Dial-a-ride Bus: 541-386-4202
The Dalles Link Dial-a-ride Bus: 541-296-7595
CAT The Dalles to and from Hood River: 541-386-4202
Tues/Thurs service to and from Portland: 541-386-4202
Senior Services
Mid-Columbia Community Action Council Hood River: 541-386-4027
Area Agency on Aging CAPECO: 541-298-4101
Seniors & People with Disabilities Department of Human Services: 541-298-4114
Legal Aid services of Oregon: 800-228-6958
FISH Food Bank: 541-386-3474
SNAP Food Stamp Program DHS: 541-386-3199
National Do Not Call Registry: 888-382-1222
Suicide and Crisis Lifelines
National Spanish Suicide Prevention Life Line: 888-628-9454
Long-Term Care Ombudsman: 800-522-2602 | 503-378-6533
Email: ltco.info@rights.oregon.gov
Oregon Public Guardian: 844-656-6774 | 503-378-6848
Email: opg.info@rights.oregon.gov
New Guardianship Referrals: 971-374-3582
Residential Facilities Ombudsman: 844-674-4567 | 503-378-6852 Email: rfo.info@rights.oregon.gov
Insurance Services
Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance: 800-722-4134
Social Security Administration, Medicare, Medicaid: 800-772-1213
Veterans Services
Hood River County Veterans Services: 541-386-1080
Wasco County Veteran’s Services: 541-506-2502
Oregon Department of Veteran Affairs: 503-373-2000
Oregon Veterans Home, The Dalles: 541-296-7190