If an elder is in immediate danger, call 911.

Prevent Elder Abuse

Protect seniors by bringing suspected abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation to the attention of appropriate authorities:

To learn more, visit the Community Action Program of East Central Oregon.


Suicide and Crisis Lifelines

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

National Spanish Suicide Prevention Life Line: 888-628-9454

Long-Term Care Ombudsman: 800-522-2602 | 503-378-6533
Email: ltco.info@rights.oregon.gov

Oregon Public Guardian: 844-656-6774 | 503-378-6848
Email: opg.info@rights.oregon.gov

New Guardianship Referrals: 971-374-3582

Residential Facilities Ombudsman: 844-674-4567 | 503-378-6852 Email: rfo.info@rights.oregon.gov