We serve weekday hot lunches for a $5 suggested donation. You can borrow health equipment from our Medical Loan Closet and books from our Lending Library. We offer room rentals, exercise classes & Tai Chi, and a cooling center with AC for hot days.
Weekday Hot Lunch
Lunch is served in the Congregate Lunch Site weekdays at 12PM for a $5 suggested donation. All are welcome to share meals and bond together. There are many psychological, social, and biological benefits of eating meals with other people.
Our Community Garden was started by a Master Gardener. A small crew of our seniors work within Master Gardeners Guidelines to keep soil healthy and produce the garden bounty we use seasonally in the Meals on Wheels kitchen.
Medicare Issues: For Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance, please contact the center for current Shiba Counselor 541-386-2060.
Lending Library
Popular titles are available to loan and share. Read a good book today!
Hood River Art Club
The Hood River Art Club displays artwork at The Center for purchase. A 20% commission goes directly to support Meals on Wheels.
Medical Loan Closet
Borrow health equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, crutches, bath benches, raised toilet seats, fans, and more. Inventory changes daily. When equipment is returned, it is cleaned and checked for safety, then made available for the next person. To see what we’ve got for loan, stop by The Center or call 541-386-2060.
Room Rentals
We have beautiful, light-filled, spacious rooms available for rent to your small, medium, and large groups.
Cooling Center
We provide a cooling center during our regular hours of 9AM-3PM. Hours will be extended if the heat gets too unbearable. We can assist you in obtaining a fan, if your residence doesn't have air conditioning. Stop by or call us at 541-386-2060.
Columbia Gorge Food Bank
Columbia Gorge Food Bank supports and collaborates with local partners, to provide free, nutritious food and end hunger in Hood River, Wasco and Sherman Counties.
Silver Falls State Park Waterfall hike.
Lavender Farm Visit
Hot lunches served daily, Monday - Friday
Medical Loan Closet
Community Garden
Lending Library